
The first fruit in early spring Learn more about The first fruit in early spring

  • How to manage red meat honey pomelo in spring?

    How to manage red meat honey pomelo in spring?

    How to manage red meat honey pomelo in spring? Please guide that spring is the early stage of red flesh honey pomelo hair root, periwinkle, flower spike, flowering and young fruit. this period, such as disease and insect damage, lack of fertilizer and drought, has a direct impact on the strong shoot, strong flower and fruit setting rate of pomelo trees, and is the key period to increase the yield of the same year. It must be taken in due course.

  • The importance of determining the autumn shoot as the main fruiting mother branch of longan

    The importance of determining the autumn shoot as the main fruiting mother branch of longan

    Longan and other subtropical evergreen fruit trees have new shoots every year, which shoot 4-5 times a year in Fuzhou area, spring shoot 1-2 times, autumn shoot 1-2 times, winter shoot less, only a large number of winter shoots are produced in warm winter climate. According to the golden pine,

    2020-11-08 Determine the importance of autumn shoot longan main fruit mother branch etc.
  • Cherry tomato planting: how can virgin fruit be planted with high yield?

    Cherry tomato planting: how can virgin fruit be planted with high yield?

    How can virgin fruit be planted with high yield? What do you need to pay attention to when planting virgin fruit? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce that virgin fruit is a very good health and nutrition food, especially suitable for people to pursue the trend of natural and health. And the virgin fruit appearance is exquisite and lovely, the sugar content is very high, about 7-8 degrees, taste.

  • Which vegetables and fruits are suitable for planting in the early spring of 2020? (with field management technology)

    Which vegetables and fruits are suitable for planting in the early spring of 2020? (with field management technology)

    In the early spring of March, the temperature began to warm up slowly, the light rain began to appear, and the spring ploughing began slowly. So which vegetables are suitable for growing in March 2020? What kind of fruits and vegetables are suitable for planting in early spring? In early spring, there are greenhouse tomatoes,

    2020-11-08 2020 early spring suitable for planting which vegetables and melons and fruits attached
  • Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of peach trees in early spring

    Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of peach trees in early spring

    With the gradual warming of the weather in early spring, all kinds of peach diseases and insect pests began to recover, breed and multiply. The prevention and control of peach diseases and insect pests in early spring can effectively control the occurrence and spread of peach diseases and reduce the occurrence base of peach pests. Now the occurrence and harm of main diseases and insect pests in peach trees

    2020-11-08 Planting peach trees early spring diseases and insect pests prevention and control with weather
  • Efficient cultivation techniques of Cherry Tomato

    Efficient cultivation techniques of Cherry Tomato

    Cherry tomato, also known as mini tomato and mini tomato, is a variety of common tomato and eats its berries. The cherry tomato fruit is small, the single fruit weight is 10-20 grams, the plant growth potential is strong, the fruit is many, each plant bears 400-500. The shape of fruit is spherical, jujube-shaped, pear-shaped and so on, which has high ornamental value. The fruit can bear fruit.

  • Opinions on Prevention and Control of Diseases and insect pests in Peach trees in early Spring

    Opinions on Prevention and Control of Diseases and insect pests in Peach trees in early Spring

    Peach leaf shrinking disease mainly harms leaves, but also young branches and young fruits. The disease usually occurs from April to May and occurs only once a year. When the fruit occurs, it turns red, the disease part is swollen, the villi fall off, and the surface is smooth. Varieties with high yield, high quality and disease resistance were selected for agricultural control. Enter the fruit period of the peach orchard, do a good job of soil and fertilizer.

  • High-yielding tomato planting techniques: what are the seeds of high-yielding tomato varieties?

    High-yielding tomato planting techniques: what are the seeds of high-yielding tomato varieties?

    What are the high-yielding tomato seeds?

  • Management of fruiting period of early ripening eggplant in spring

    Management of fruiting period of early ripening eggplant in spring

    The eggplant cultivated in the plastic film small arch shed in spring will blossom to fruit harvest. Under suitable conditions, it takes about 25 days to harvest, and the first harvest period of eggplant is in the early and middle of May. During the fruit growth period, the weather has turned warm, the film can be all opened during the day, so that the plant can fully see the light, but it should be covered in the evening. If the temperature at night.

  • The latest course on planting techniques and methods of Cherry Tomato

    The latest course on planting techniques and methods of Cherry Tomato

    Cherry tomato is a temperature-loving vegetable. The temperature needed for its growth and development is higher than that of common tomato. The optimum temperature for seed germination, growth and fruiting period is 25-30 ℃, 20-25 ℃ and 15-25 ℃, respectively. Like light, lack of light, serious flower and fruit drop; early stage of moisture requirement

    2020-11-10 The latest cherry small tomato planting techniques methods tutorials cherries
  • Planting techniques of Cherry Tomato

    Planting techniques of Cherry Tomato

    Planting techniques of Cherry Tomato

  • Strawberry management in early spring

    Strawberry management in early spring

    1. Don't one-sidedly pursue big fruit varieties. Large-fruit strawberries have become the goal pursued by many farmers. however, the fruit size of the same variety varies to a certain extent, and the fruits of the primary inflorescence are relatively large, and the higher the grade, the smaller the fruit. Fruit size is not the only sign of judging quality, but also from pulp firmness and solubility.

  • How to grow cherry tomatoes?

    How to grow cherry tomatoes?

    How to grow cherry tomatoes? Cherry tomatoes can be planted like this: Cherry tomatoes are temperature-loving vegetables, the temperature needed for their growth and development is higher than that of ordinary tomatoes, the optimum temperature for seed germination is 25-30 ℃, the optimum temperature for growth is 20-25 ℃, and the optimum temperature for fruiting period is 15-25 ℃. Like the light, the light is not.

  • Technology of plastic Film mulching in large area of Spring Peanut to increase yield by soil moisture and dry sowing

    Technology of plastic Film mulching in large area of Spring Peanut to increase yield by soil moisture and dry sowing

    Plastic film mulching for fruit sowing is an effective measure to protect the whole seedling, resist drought and increase yield of spring peanut by early sowing. Linmu County Agricultural Technology extension Center began to experiment and demonstrate in 1987. From 1992 to 1993, the implementation area reached 8520 hectares, with an average yield of 3982.5 kg / ha and 4057.5 kg / ha, an increase of 13.9% and 16%.

  • Sweet peach variety: Early Yanli

    Sweet peach variety: Early Yanli

    The earliest variety of sweet peach ripening in China. Puyang area of Henan Province on May 20 listed, than spring bud, early nectarine mature 5-7 days earlier. Single fruit weight 150- 200g, maximum fruit weight 248g, is 2-3 times of spring bud, early nectarine, and good quality, fruit shape dignified, fruit color gorgeous, fruit taste pure sweet, soluble solids content 13-15%. Early ripe crisp sweet, soft ripe honey sweet. The variety is easy to manage and has high yield. Generally, it is planted in the first year, fruited in the second year, and the yield per plant in the third year is more than 20 kg. The yield per plant can reach every five years.

  • Heat damage of Citrus and its Prevention Technology

    Heat damage of Citrus and its Prevention Technology

    Citrus is a tropical and subtropical evergreen fruit tree (except trifoliate orange). It is warm and humid, but it is also afraid of heat. If the abnormal high temperature weather of 30 ℃ or more occurs during the period from flowering to stable fruit of citrus, it will affect its normal flowering and fruiting, and the earlier the occurrence time, the greater the damage caused by high temperature. During this period, the abnormal falling flowers caused by the high temperature weather.

  • Techniques of early planting of fresh virgin fruit in spring

    Techniques of early planting of fresh virgin fruit in spring

    Virgin tomato, native to Taiwan, is a kind of cherry tomato, mainly to eat fresh fruit, to be called virgin fruit. Early cultivation in spring, you can use a plastic greenhouse with a span of 6 meters, raise seedlings in the middle of November, plant in February of the following year, harvest fresh fruit in early May, and produce 6000 kg of fresh fruit per mu. First, seed treatment. ...

  • "the first fruit in early spring" can cherry kernels (seeds) grow potted plants? How long will it take to sprout? How do you plant it?

    With the gradual improvement of people's living standards, more and more people like to plant all kinds of potted plants at home. For example, durian seeds, passion fruit seeds and orange seeds can all be potted, and well-managed flowers can also bear fruit. Can cherry kernels (seeds) grow potted plants? How long do you plant?

    2020-11-09 The first fruit in early spring cherry peach stone seed can be planted potted
  • Morning gorgeous (sweet peach)

    Morning gorgeous (sweet peach)

    The earliest mature variety of sweet peach in China. Puyang District, Henan Province, went on sale on May 20, maturing 5-7 days earlier than Spring Bud and early nectarine. The single fruit weighs 150-200 grams, and the maximum fruit weight is 248 grams, which is 2-3 times that of spring bud and early nectarine, with good quality, dignified fruit shape, bright fruit color, sweet and pure fruit taste, and 13-15% soluble solids content. The first ripe is crisp and sweet, the soft ripe honey is sweet. The variety is easy to manage and has high yield. it is generally planted in the first year, fruited in the second year, more than 20kg per plant in the third year, and high yield per plant every five years.

  • Spring shoot fertilizer should be applied to adult loquat trees in time.

    Spring shoot fertilizer should be applied to adult loquat trees in time.

    Loquat likes warm and humid climate, blossoms in autumn and winter, and fruit ripens in late spring and early summer. Since last autumn, there has been drought and little rain in Guangdong, so fruit growers should actively water and fertilize loquat, especially adult trees should apply spring shoot fertilizer in time to strive for a bumper harvest this year. First, young tree fertilization (1-3 years) loquat young tree.
